Henrys Fork is the best fly fishing stream in Idaho. It is as well known as many rivers in Montana or Colorado. This river is known throughout the world as one of the best fisheries anywhere.
Be sure to look at the below and check in with a local fly shop to find out what is working best right now. There is also a great Google map of the area, be sure to click on it.
Of the many Idaho rivers, Henry’s Fork is the most well known because of how productive it is. People come to Henry’s Fork from all over the world because of how great this area is. This is part of the Snake River that runs through Idaho.
Henry’s Fork runs about 150 miles starting at Henry’s Lake. The stretch from Henry’s Lake to Island Park Reservoir is a good stretch of water that is not too crowded. But it is below Island Park Reservoir that gets all of the attention.
About a mile below Island Park Reservoir where Buffalo River joins Henry’s Fork is the start of Box Canyon. Box Canyon is known for its Large Rainbow Trout and the stretch is about 3 miles long before the river widens and slows down. The next 8 miles are exceptional fishing also.
Just past this is Riverside Campground is Cardiac Canyon, which is another 8- mile stretch of great fishing before it reaches upper and lower Mesa Falls. After the falls the water will slow down again as it goes through Harriman State Park area. This is another great stretch of river and it is loaded with Browns, Cutthroat and Rainbows.
Henry’s Fork starts near the Idaho / Montana / Wyoming border and runs south from Henry’s fork towards St. Anthony, Idaho. You can get access to the river from state highway 20 and 47 along with other county roads.
Some of the many flies to use would include: Pale Morning Duns, Blue Wing Olive, Drakes, Green Drakes, Mahogany Duns, along with a variety of Stone Flies and Caddis.
You can access this great river by wading, float tubing or drift boats.

Henry's Fork area map.
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