This is a river hatch chart by state of some of the more popular fishing streams in America. These pages are listed alphabetically by state to help you find the river quickly. I will continue to add more hatch charts as time allows.

Hatch charts are very important to fly-fisherman in their battle against trout. It gives you an understanding of what insects are commonly found on the river throughout the year. Using this information you will know what type of insects are commonly hatching on a particular stream and you will be able to match the hatch and net some fish.

I purchase many of my flies at a discount from Big Fly Company, and I also buy some from the local fly shops. Big Fly Company has a great selection of flies, line, tippet and other essential fly fishing items. They also ship very fast so you can have your items in days, depending on where you live.

Local fly shops are very helpful and will let you know what flies to use. If the local fly shop guy is an avid fly fisherman, which he or she probably is, you should be able to get some great helpful information from them. They tend to fish many of the local streams and rivers and they stay in touch with other anglers as well which gives them valuable information to share.

You can also purchase flies from large on-line retailers. They will typically have a great selection of flies, and their pricing should compete well against other retailers.


Gallatin River Madison River Missouri River Rock Creek Yellowstone River

Big Flat Brook Pequest River Rockaway River

Davidson River Hiwassee River North Mills River South Holston River Watauga River

Crooked River Deshutes River McKenzie River Owyhee River

Guadalupe River Lampasas River Llano River

Green River Provo Utah Weber River

Battenkill River Clyde River

Lower Yakama River

The use of flies is one of the most important aspects of fly fishing. Using the wrong fly any time will not get you the results you seek. You must know what fly to use and when to use it to increase your fish counts. Be sure to check out the page called presentation.


Leave River hatch chart listing page 2 and go to places to fish.

Leave the river hatch chart page and go to techniques and tactics page.

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Do you have a favorite river that you like to fish? Maybe a great tactic or special fly that works every time? How about sharing that information with other viewers “pay it forward” by sharing your comments!

Looking for travel ideas? Here is a google map that will show you how far it is from your starting point to various popular rivers. Click here to see a map of rivers.
Premium flies without the premium price